About Us
In business for over 20 years as a premier cigar retailer, Anthony’s Cigar Emporium has offered only the best in cigars from around the world. With fine walk-in humidors, a knowledgeable staff and a wide selection of products at all of our five Southern Arizona locations. Now on the web, we are here to be your one stop shop for everything cigars. Looking for something in particular?
Check out our latest list of cigars in store on our Cigar page or contact us by email or phone.
About Us: The Authors
We’re a relatively small operation – and we like it that way. Personalized communication and service is how we roll – and we’re keeping it that way on our digital outlets. Here, you can learn a little bit about the authors that keep the blog going!
Tyler Morris | CIO, number cruncher, and the guy that makes things happen. |
Mike Teufel | Cigar Guru; This guy has smoked everything. |
Mike Mefford | Shipper and cigar-packer extraordinaire, Mike handles most of the shipments over the phone and from the website. |
Paul Rorex | Runs the Grant and Swan Location with an Iron Fist. |
Mike Fouth | Holds down the fort at Campbell and River. |
Anthony Dubelino | Wanders from location to location, but mostly works Campbell and River on the Weekends, and Grant and Swan occationally during the week. |
Jimmy Bush | Moves between Broadway and Craycroft location, and Grant and Swan. |
Jacob | Runs the North Store as only a cranky old man can. |
Josh | Occasionally runs the Oracle / Magee location, but is mostly in his back office crunching stock options. |
Jim Jacobs | Our Phoenix Kingpin, he runs the location on 7th and Camelback. |